Train 300

TILOS can be successfully used for planning railway maintenance works which usually has to be done in short possessions periods of time. This is because TILOS has industry specific support functions designed for railway works  planning and specific linking methods designed to keep distance between crews in case of parallel work along a track.

TILOS has a library of specific resources needed to perform the work in railway projects and templates for pre-calculated activities with work rates and already assigned equipment.

TILOS has also the ability to describe the complexities along the track (crossings, bridges, switches) and their effect to the production.

For track maintenance the distance axis of the plan will describe the rail and the elements that need special handling during the construction process. Information regarding rail distribution plan (type of the rail, length and number of welds, curves and their radius) can be imported from an Excel file and used to describe sector profiles, generate scales and graphs and also for task calculations.

Using symbols for sectors, which TILOS already has in the library, a graph will be generated along the distance axis.

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On the time axis, the possession calendar can be used from TILOS template or generated using a task bar drawn in the Gantt chart.

All the tasks needed to plan the maintenance works will be created from already existing templates (pre-defined tasks) in TILOS: signal & electricity, clipping, cut and remove old rails, rail position, ballast cleaning, tamping and stabilization and welding.

TILOS also uses the sector profiles defined along the distance axis for calculating tasks: hindrance specific speeds, setup times and sections without any work to do.

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In railway projects, trains are moved to the site and also have to get back to the holding site. Special logistic is needed to make sure one train can’t overtake the other. TILOS will calculate when a train needs to start from where is parked to be on time in site. TILOS generates logistic tasks (drive-in and drive-out) and calculates them based on the distance to holding site, the driving speed and setup times.

Planning railway projects in TILOS generates a realistic layout plan with a minimum of effort, with real quantities and site constraints. 

CADexpert NET is a team of professionals that can provide affordable consulting, project planning and software training services to companies across multiple industries.

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CADexpert NET este o companie romaneasca privata cu capital integral romanesc.
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